Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Saturday 9am-6pm
Sunday 11am-6pm
teen apprentice program at science museum oklahoma

Volunteer Opportunities

At Science Museum Oklahoma, we spark curiosity and encourage learning by revealing the wonder and relevance of science. We welcome volunteers who share that same passion!

Volunteers are essential for enriching guest experiences and supporting operations at Science Museum Oklahoma. From encouraging guest exploration and program engagement, to supporting staff behind the scenes or with special events, volunteering at SMO is a great way to get involved in the community and make a real difference for our museum and guests. 
Science Museum Oklahoma seeks to recruit, develop, and retain individuals from diverse backgrounds, and encourages all to apply. We strive to create and support an affirming environment for all staff, interns, volunteers, and trustees. Volunteers are needed in almost every area of the museum to help make every day a great day for guests. Some duties that are available include bus greetings, assisting with StoryTime Science, tours, garden maintenance, assisting with collections and so much more!


Volunteers must apply through our standard application form but that's as easy as clicking the link below:


See our opportunities and how to participate below, if you still have questions, please feel free to contact us at

Who can volunteer at Science Museum Oklahoma?

Students: Students aged 13-17 years-old can volunteer at SMO while learning about the inner-workings of a science museum, increasing science literacy and learning job skills through SMO's Teen Apprentice Program.

Learn more about Teen Apprentices

Adults:  Adults ages 16+ can volunteer in a variety of roles at Science Museum Oklahoma! The volunteer application process is easy and involves (1) filling out the application, (2) passing a criminal background check and (3) completing an interview with the volunteer coordinator. If the museum does not have an immediate match for your area of interest, our volunteer coordinator will be in touch and keep your information on file for future opportunities.
Groups:  Volunteer groups are key for our special event days, such as Space Day and Tinkerfest. Science Museum Oklahoma also has many unique opportunities throughout the year that are perfect for civic or school groups, businesses, and beyond.
If your group is interested in volunteering, please email for more information. 

Tinkerfest 2025

Tinkerfest takes place annually in September. Please return at a later date for more information about Tinkerfest.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Tinkering Garage and Floor Facilitation: We are very busy during the weekends. Tinkering Garage and Floor Facilitation volunteers are needed!

Administrative: We always need help with shredding, scanning, and filing.